| On this page you can see selected dates.
27.01.2012: Dendrochronological measurements at the Foundation Kloster Michaelstein in Blankenburg
24.01.2012: Dendrochronological measurements in Leer
19.11.2010: Award ceremony of the BDH-awards at the Tag der Holzwirtschaft
19.11.2010: Oral presentation: "Terminus post Klein - Dendrochronologische Untersuchungen an Musikinstrumenten" at the Tag der Holzwirtschaft 2010.
10.11.2010: Re-Swearing-in ceremony as official expert at the chamber of commerce in Hamburg
10.-12.02.2010: Oral presentation at the conference Tree Rings, Art, Archaeology in Brussels/Belgium at the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage. This conference aims to present an update on the advances in dendrochronology in the fields of architecture, archæological excavation and works of art by encouraging international exchanges among dendrochronologists, historians, art historians and archæologists.
07.-11.12.2009: Dendrochronological measurements at the Grassi Museum für Musikinstrumente der Universität Leipzig
25.06.2009: Lecture at the Institut für Berufswissenschaften im Bauwesen der Leibniz Universität Hannover
06.06.2009: Oral presentation at the Journée d'étude at the Cité de la musique in Paris
06.05.2009: Dendrochronological measurements at the Germanischen Nationalmuseum Nürnberg
10.-12.12.2008: Dendrochronological measurements at the Foundation Kloster Michaelstein in Blankenburg
24.-26.11.2008: Dendrochronological measurements at the museum of musical instruments in Berlin
08.09.2008: Dendrochronological measurements at the Beethoven-Haus Bonn
28.05.-01.06.2008: EuroDendro 2008 in Hallstatt/Österreich. EuroDendro is the traditional conference of the European dendrochronologists. Scientists from the entire field of dendrochronology and from related disciplines give lectures and present posters on their research. Results are discussed and experiences exchanged
15.05.2008: Dendrochronological measurements in Cologne
07.05.2008: Presentation at 10th anniversary of enigmah/.garage Hamburg
21.-23.04.2008: Dendrochronological measurements at the museum of musical instruments in Berlin
11.-14.04.2008: Dendrochronological measurements in München Dendrochronological measurements in Berlin
29.02./01.03.2008: Annual meeting of theBund Deutscher Holzwirte e.V. in Tangermünde/Stendal
19./20.02.2008: Dendrochronological measurements in Bern (CH)
04.01.2008: Dendrochronological measurements in Berlin
04.12.-06.12.2007: Dendrochronological measurements at the museum of musical instruments in Berlin
29.10.2007: Dendrochronological measurements in Cologne
06.09.-08.09.2007: Oral presentation: "Dendrochronologische Kriterien für die Holzherkunft aus demselben Baum (Stammgleichheit)" on the meeting of violin makers at the Festival Vielsaitig in Füssen.
22.05.2007: Dendrochronological measurements in Vienna
11.05.-19.05.2007: Participation on an orchestral workshop of the Konrad-Adenauer foundation in Cadenabbia (I) and Hannover
27./28.02.2007: Dendrochronological measurements in Vienna
29./30.01.2007: Dendrochronological measurements in Munich
08.01.-14.01.2007: Participation on an orchestral workshop of the Konrad-Adenauer foundation in Bremen
20.11.-24.11.2006: Dendrochronological measurements at the museum of musical instruments in Berlin
20.10.2006: Participation on a workshop of the Institut für Sachverständigenwesen in Hamburg
03.07.2006: Final Exam of Franziska Franke at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hildesheim/Holzminden/Göttingen. Title of the diploma work: "Dendrochronologische Untersuchungen an Buchenholz. Dargestellt am Beispiel eines Großzahlensembles siebenbürgischer Stollentruhen in der Kirchenburg zu Henndorf/Bradeni (Rumänien)
20.05.2006: Oral presentation: "An Introduction to Dendrochronology as Applied to Musical Instruments" on the 35th Annual Meeting of the American Musical Instrument Society held in collaboration with The Galpin Society and the International Committee of Musical Instrument Museums and Collections (CIMCIM), of the International Council of Museums (ICOM), Vermillion (USA), National Music Museum, 19. - 23.05. 2006
11.11.2005: Swearing-in ceremony as official expert at the chamber of commerce in Hamburg
31.10.-06.11.2005: Participation on an orchestral workshop of the Konrad-Adenauer foundation on castle Eichholz in Wesseling
13.10.2005: Exam as official expert in Munich
13.09.2005: Final Exam of Aziza Rqibate in Epinal, France
11.05.2005: Opening-party of the new office in Hamburg-Eimsbüttel
07.05.2005: Oral presentation: "Dendrochronologie an Streichinstrumenten" on the annual general meeting of the Verband deutscher Geigenbauer und Bogenmacher e.V. in Potsdam
08.04.2005: Participation on a workshop of the Institut für Sachverständigenwesen in Hamburg
01.03.2005: Coaching of a project work concerning the development of measure devices in dendrochronology (Aziza Rqibate, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Technologies et Industries du Bois, Epinal, France)
27.12.2004: Start of the office-refurbishment in Hamburg-Eimsbüttel
21.12.2004: The company-building-story at
25.11.2004, 19.30 - 20.00 Uhr: TV-programme (NDR) Regional: Portrait of Prof. Dr. Klein
04.11.2004: Participation on a workshop of the Institut für Sachverständigenwesen in Kiel
03.11.2004: Participation on a workshop of the Institut für Sachverständigenwesen in Bremen
30.09.2004, 14.05 - 14.45 Uhr: Radioprogramme (hr2) Domino-Nah dran: Geig' Dir 'was! - Vielsaitiges über die Geige
15.-19.09.2004: EuroDendro 2004, Rendsburg / Germany in honour of Prof. Dr. Dieter Eckstein on the occasion of his retirement: EuroDendro is the traditional conference of the European dendrochronologists. Scientists from the entire field of dendrochronology and from related disciplines give lectures and present posters on their research. Results are discussed and experiences exchanged
04.09.2004 Dendrochronological investigation of musical instruments in Füssen
03.09.2004 Oral presentation: "Dendrochronologie an Musikinstrumenten unter besonderer Beachtung von Instrumenten Füssener Meister", Festival Vielsaitig in Füssen
Picture: Katrin Beckert |
photo composition: Micha Beuting |